Artist’s Writings

Artist’s Writings

Jonathan Silver, “William Tucker,” Artnews (January 1990).

Jonathan Silver, “Giacometti on the Couch,” Artnews (March 1986).

Jonathan Silver, “The Classical Cubism of David Smith,” Artnews (February 1983).

Jonathan Silver, “Remaking the history of American Sculpture,” Artnews (Summer 1976).

Jonathan Silver, “Elie Nadelman: A Single Notion of Style,” Artnews (November 1975).

Jonathan Silver, “A Sense of Human Motion,” Artnews (November 1974).

Jonathan Silver, “Giacometti, Frontality and Cubism,” Artnews (Summer 1974).

Barbara and Jonathan Silver in the home of Margo and Christopher Cairns, Haverford, Pennsylvania, 1976. On the wall is a Jonathan SIlver Drawing.