

Slide Niobid, 1982, bronze, 32 x 12 x 10 inches Slide Atlanta, 1981, sheet metal, angle iron, plaster, wood, and paper, 78.5 x 21 x 24 inches Slide Barbarian Killing His Wife and Himself, 1984, plaster, angle iron and metal wire, 99 x 26 x 56 inches Slide Half Eve, 1979, plaster 27 x 13.5 x 7 inches, Slide Eve, 1979, plaster and metal, 71 x 9 x 13.5 inches Slide Birth of Venus, 1986, plaster, 86 x 17 x 14 inches Slide Wounded Amazon II, 1982, plaster, 87 x 9.5 x 16.5 inches Slide Small Venus, 1980, bronze, Edition of 7 with one AP, 67.25 x 7.5 x 6.5 inches Slide Standing Woman (Barbara), 1989, plaster, 73 x 15 x 27 inches Slide Hanging Barbara Figure from Lower Room, 1989, Chicken wire on metal base, plaster, 83 x 15 x 20 inches Slide Thief of Baghdad, c.1990, bronze, 29 x 6 x 6 inches Slide Diana, 1982, bronze, edition of 3, 86 x 12 inches Slide Flora, 1990, bronze, 26.5 x 6 x 5.5 inches